miercuri, 23 decembrie 2009
De Craciun, de la Sting cântare
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
Soul Cake
Gata, de Crǎciun ne împǎcǎm. “Cease fire” douǎ sǎptǎmâni. Pe urmǎ o luǎm din nou şi ne mai împǎcǎm iar de Paşti. Vǎ trimit o colindǎ şi (nu se putea altfel) încǎ o reţetǎ, ultima din acest an, din toatǎ inima, pe care sǎ o ascultaţi si sǎ o faceţi cu sufletul...
Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming
Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming / From tender stem hath sprung! / Of Jesse's lineage coming, / As men of old have sung. / It came a flow’ret bright / Amid the cold of winter / When half spent was the night.
Isaiah 'twas foretold it, / This Rose that I have in mind. / And with Mary we behold it, / The Virgin Mother so sweet and so kind. / To show God's love aright, / She bore to men a Savior, / When half-spent was the night.
Soul Cake
A soul cake, a soul cake, / Please, good missus, a soul cake, / An apple, a pear, a plum or a cherry, / Any good thing to make us all merry. / A soul cake, a soul cake, / Please, good missus, a soul cake, / One for Peter, two for Paul, / And three for Him that made us all.
God bless the master of this house / And the mistress also, / And all the little children / That round your table grow; / The cattle in your stable, / The dogs at your front door, / And all that dwell within your gates / We’ll wish you ten times more.
A soul cake, a soul cake…
Go down into the cellar / And see what you can find; / If the barrels are not empty / We’ll hope that you’ll be kind; / We’ll hope that you’ll be kind / With your apple and your pear, / And we’ll come no more a-soulin’ / Till Christmas time next year.
A soul cake, a soul cake…
The streets are very dirty, / Me shoes are very thin, / I have a little pocket / To put a penny in; / If you haven’t got a penny / A ha’penny will do; / If you haven’t got a ha’penny / God bless you.
A soul cake, a soul cake…
Craciun fericit si La Mulţi Ani!
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Craciun fericit si tie, Moshule! :)
RăspundețiȘtergereSeara bună!
RăspundețiȘtergereSărbători fericite împreună cu toţi cei dragi şi La Mulţi Ani de gînduri bune!
Numai bine!